Archives » Archive for March, 2012

The Healer’s Compass

The Healer’s Compass: Set a Course!

“The Healer’s Grail” and “Healer’s Toolbox” outlined the electrochemical foundations of biology and a few of the simple substances used to maintain a balance favoring electron and oxygen abundance (a handy way to define health). There is little need to track down discreet biochemical mechanisms when protons and electrons and simple molecules like H2O, bicarbonate and magnesium determine the energetic profile of the “Inner Ocean.” These set the stage of pH and voltage, the key measures of life energy that govern biochemistry and offer a reflection of molecular inventories. This approach triggers the sea-change that allows normal cell function and healing when requisite voltages are reached. It’s basic science.

Elementary oxidation-reduction chemistry was never applied to nutrition and healing or commonly connected to pH. Acid balance diets became popular in recent years, but didn’t incorporate the idea of electron abundance. Acidity means few available “anti-oxidant” electrons and an unfriendly medium for oxygen delivery since oxygen joins acidic protons and becomes water. Acidity is also marked by low levels of K and Mg, thicker blood and mucus, sluggish circulation and agglutination of red blood cells—-the precise conditions that precipitate disease.

Most folks know antioxidants are somehow important to preserve their precious flesh, but don’t connect the wide range of “anti-oxidant” substances to the presence of electrons and alkalinity or recognize their anti-inflammatory nature. And while fighting oxidants, few realize oxidation is the hallmark of immune defense, performed by oxygen radicals and used by the body (and savvy healers) to destroy pathogens and unwanted debris. A chronic ongoing balance favoring oxidation is oxidative stress. It accelerates erosion of connective tissues and cell structures, cripples DNA function and hormone/enzyme production, and is the cause of inflammation— which is synonymous with disease and hard aging.

The healer’s first goal is to remove the reasons for immune activity. Initially boosting oxidation destroys pathogens and organic toxins, and then flooding tissues with electrons mobilizes free-radical-generating metals and powers immune cells to gobble debris. Meanwhile, oxidation’s destructive wildfires are extinguished and the inflammatory blaze contained with more antioxidant electrons and more oxygen.

Overwhelmed by undecipherable complexity, our collective consciousness can not agree upon common threads or grasp any concept beyond that defined by language. The language of medicine is confined to mysterious symptoms, unknown etiologies, second tier causes and singular remedies, not to mention a collective thought-warp created through purposeful word manipulation and the never-ending quest for new drugs. The medical logic that “replaces a spark plug” and somehow imagines that the rest of a deteriorating vehicle will regain function at any desirable level, is blatantly absurd. Taking aspirin indefinitely for arthritis does not address eroding joints. Chemo “therapy” never removes the stagnant conditions that invited the cancer it foolishly seeks to kill. And a dire prognosis creates an intense drowning-man fear in patients so they accept expensive treatments and their fate. In this terrorized condition, normal biochemistry becomes acidic and debilitated, precluding the possibility of self- healing. The idea of a second opinion is also thwarted.

We can not navigate a course toward real healing or a sustainable civilization while anchored to the past: to profitable warfare, to fossil energy, counterfeit grain-based “foods,” pharmaceutical healthcare or the restrictive language, endless rules and prohibitions built to perpetuate them. Our regressive economic system is based solely and unrealistically on endless growth, but the human will to survive has begun to “occupy” the planet and entertain common sense. The words “de-centralization,” “diversification” and “re-localization” are entering the vocabulary as industrial-speak is being replaced by a fresh conversation. It is my sincere wish that objective science and this simplified view of healing adds to the conversation and begin to tear down all the delusional constructs that have enslaved man for decades and centuries. The renaissance is at hand.

“See” the invisible electrons in motion. Photons from the sun pack electron energy into plants’ carbon bonds (carbohydrate and protective antioxidants) and water itself. Our mitochondria need oxygen to metabolize and “burn” those carbon bonds… oxygen which can only be delivered through alkaline/electron-rich blood that is well charged and polarized. DNA needs the proper charge environment to express, prevent frazzled telomeres and resist oxidation. Fat-rich membranes bathed in water (blood/cell fluids) move oxygen and materials via electrolyte balance and charge. Membrane fats also act as batteries that store and conduct electrons. Muscle sheaths and other connective tissues conduct electrons and form a grid alongside the hard-wired nervous system. Friction of muscle sheaths and blood cells rushing through arteries raise voltage. Electricity is generated by the nervous system, the digestive system and most powerfully by the beating heart. Moving electrons produce magnetic fields and fields move electrons. It’s chi, it’s life.

Real yet invisible electricity and magnetic fields link material molecules to the energetic non-material world in a magnificent oneness where substances influence energy fields and energy fields impact substances. So it follows that healing at the molecular level can occur not only from substances and electrons, but from bio-energy fields, acupuncture or directed intent. We use these “supernatural” powers every day to intuit, visualize fulfillment, self-heal and manifest desires as bio-fields act upon our bodies and surroundings through torsion waves. Unfortunately we take this gift for granted and sometimes hinder its application. States of dependency, culturally inflicted fear/ego consciousness and “adult” cynicism disable this innate human ability… whereas a sense of total responsibility, personal sovereignty, emotional excitement and unconditional love raise bio-energy levels to empower one to produce god-like results. There’s more here than meets the eye.

People are predisposed to think of every disease as unique, but the truth is, oxidative stress, the loss of cell energy, is the common cause. Protocols will evolve around this principle as physicians awaken to connect the dots of nutrition, toxins, radiations, states of consciousness and lifestyle habits that purposefully raise life energy and eliminate electron theft and disruption. Conventional and emergency medicine must begin to recognize and include highly effective IV Vitamin C, HBOT and other proven therapies to maintain any Hippocratic credibility.

Witness the statistically poor results conventional medicine gets with conditions such as depression, cancers, smoking, Gulf War Syndrome (depleted uranium poisoning), gum disease and many more, while the unlikely effectiveness of oxidation/reduction therapies remains hidden, forbidden. Prevention is unquestionably the best medicine and the same items that maintain health can be used to restore it. Big dose Vitamin C / bicarbonate, minerals and appropriate fats are the backbone of this approach which relies on real foods and also takes advantage of any issue-specific vitamins, herbs, phyto-antioxidants, ferments, proteolytic enzymes and essential oils. To complete the protocol: sunshine, breathing, body work, exercise and psycho-spiritual techniques. No doctor is going to cover all these bases; that’s where personal responsibility comes in.

And so I have exposed some of the fictions that bind us. The toxic acidic hypoxic condition of our biosphere is the result of antiquated industries, unrestrained growth, predatory economics and misapplications of science. All life, from bacteria to blue whales, suffers under a system of arrogant corporate greed and genocide perpetuated by small fearful ego-driven men who choose force over reason and compassion.

With an organized plan to boost oxygen delivery, raise electron charge and reduce pH, health and healing are straightforward. Sip from the “Grail”, employ the “Toolbox” and stay on “Course.” Only by understanding inner ocean conditions and careful piloting through rocky reefs can one expect a safe trip.

Take the helm.

Sincerely, Capt. T. C. Randall