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DETOX; Cleanse, Flush, Sweat

It’s an industrial world out there. Few pristine places are left on Earth, and even there the winds of industry blow. Luckily we have answers.

Obviously sunshine, exercise, a truly healthy diet and a happy mindful kinetic lifestyle are lobby-level, yet illness can begin in the best of us when toxic chemical intake and auto-generated wastes overwhelm the capacity for elimination. In other words the rate of elimination must meet or exceed input…or toxins accumulate. Amalgam fillings, air and water pollution, smoking, eating fish and processed foods, pesticides, battlefield toxins, radiations and drug residues commonly lead to cancers, heart/artery disease, autism, depression, PTSD, candidiasis, viral infections, autoimmune disorders, etc., etc. These conditions can logically and practically be prevented, improved or reversed by expeditious elimination of the offending molecules.

The term “cleanse” usually causes us to think “bowel” cleanse with strong laxatives and dreadful colonics traditionally used to address gross elimination problems. The intestinal tract can become a plumber’s nightmare so consider that vitamin C doses exceeding bowel tolerance leave one clean as a whistle in a few hours.

Attention then zooms in on the intestinal floral population, care and feeding of the good guys and starvation of pathogens. This is done by eliminating sugars and processed carbs (gluten/GM grains) and killing yeasts and other bad guys directly with oregano oil or oxygen releasing products.

And then focus on healing the cells lining the intestines that otherwise leak toxins, pathogens, emulsified fats and proteins directly into the bloodstream to source allergies and autoimmune disorders. Cells respond to saturated fats like butter/coconut oil and Omega 3 fats, high fiber leafy greens and green juices w spirulina, intermittent fasting, bone/cartilage soups, raw milks/yogurts, minerals like K, Mn, Se, Zn and Mg, Vitamins C/E and other phyto-antioxidants like curcuminoids, carotenoids, cannabinoids….and regenerate.

“Flush” commonly refers to liver and kidney cleansing. They are targeted with various herbal/olive oil flushes. R-Alpha Lipoic Acid, silymarin, beets, liver and added baking soda for kidneys help restore function. The GMI database holds a laundry list of regenerative aids for these organs.

“Sweating” and sauna raise body temperature, dump wastes and stimulate all biochemical activity, circulation of blood and lymph.

Hot baths of epsom salts or dead sea salts and soaking in ocean water draw-out toxins while infusing alkalizing magnesium; all transdermally.

Sunbathing raises body temperature when photons, at various wavelengths from infra red to ultra violet, penetrate the skin to not only produce Vitamin D, but entrain body frequencies and energize our predominant water fraction. UV and radiant heat make H2O’s charge, polarity and conductivity stronger so blood, lymph and other body fluids become thinner. This speeds circulation moving oxygen-rich blood in, waste products out.

Exercise, massage and quick temperature shifts like a sauna followed by plunging into cold water agitate fluids that had become stagnant during periods of inactivity. Hot peppers are also great for enhancing circulation.

Still, in spite of cleanses, flushes and sauna, metals and toxins will remain lodged in body fat, bones, nerve tissues and cell membranes. A double barreled defense is required. First mobilize them…. then chelate them.

Chelation does not occur efficiently without MOBILIZATION…

Cellular detoxification is initiated when a flood of electrons (using mega-Vitamin C/baking soda) moves materials out of tissues and organs into the bloodstream and on to the kidneys or the intestines to be snatched by chelators. This electron-driven liberation of metals is punctuated by electron-stealing bursts of oxidation ( mega-Vit C generated peroxides, hydrogen peroxide, MMS chlorite, ozone) that disassemble organic poisons, pathogens, fibrin overgrowth and cell debris. Oxidative bursts also spark redox signalling to provoke the release of more in-house antioxidants like SOD and glutathione and awaken other dormant genes to produce protective enzymes.

“Chelate” really just means “to grab or claw-on to” (toxins).
Chelation Therapy generally refers to IV infusions of EDTA, DMSA, DMPS, etc. that rapidly mobilize and attach toxins….and unfortunately vital minerals which must be concurrently resupplied.

The practice has been maligned by conventional medicine in apparent ignorance of the disruption minute quantities of toxins wield upon normal physiology at the molecular level, namely acidity, free radical predation, oxidative stress and inflammation.

Chelation therapy has been used to treat heavy metal poisoning, but is not recognized by the FDA for the treatment of disease. The FDA also refuses to admit the connection between mercury, cadmium, aluminum, etc. and a raft of conditions carelessly caused by our politically protected industries. Fortunately everything you need for personal detoxification is freely available.

Chelation can be accomplished without IVs by employing many common substances such as chlorella, clays, charcoal, shilajit/humates, cilantro and zeolites which bind to toxins along with sulfur compounds in R-Alpha Lipoic Acid, garlic, onions, MSM and NAC.

Proteolytic enzymes like papain, bromelain or nattokinase can help free metals sequestered beneath fibrin films.

The word “DETOX” has long been associated with “drying-out” alcoholics, rehab and addictions. Today it’s all about improving inner charge terrain so that cells can get more oxygen, regain functionality and self heal. A wide variety of supplements, physical and psychological treatments come under the detoxification umbrella, and indeed seemingly disconnected approaches all lead to the same goal.

Toxins are foreign molecules (like Al, F, Hg, Pb, etc. and a host of organic poisons), damaged molecules (oxidized/trans fats, protein/fat fragments), metabolic waste products, excessive acids and free-radicals of exogenous (radiations) and endogenous (immune response/inflammation) origins. These molecules must ultimately be transformed and eliminated at the atomic level….or the organism will suffer oxidative stress (inflammation), the root of most every disease.

Hair analysis is invaluable in 1) identifying metal/mineral presence and 2) to monitor the effectiveness of your efforts to evict heavy metals and normalize Mg, Ca, Na and K levels. Many times blood work does not detect the extent of contamination.

Interestingly, younger individuals commonly hold significant metal burdens since this generation has known only higher levels of toxins over the last 20yrs compared to their predecessors.

Once follow-up hair tests report healthy levels in all categories and symptoms magically disappear, you will have certain proof….whether the FDA likes it or not.

These alternative practices and “home remedies” require a bit of skill in use and an understanding of their actions. Things like chicken soup, apple cider vinegar, cayenne, garlic, epsom salts or Vit C/baking soda have specific healing properties when used in appropriate, usually unusually large quantities, taken regularly and in concert. Include as many as needed while focusing on mineral supplementation and the key elements of mobilization and chelation. I prefer detoxing at home over humiliating rectal intrusion or rapid IV chelation, slowly, gently and inexpensively for extended periods. Just me.

Detoxification is a survival strategy and should become a way of life. We have 365 chances a year to get it right, to do something, to take action, to clean our inner environments, to maintain our quality of life and to allow cells to self-heal.


It’s Always The Oxygen, Really!

The most important medicine is invisible, mostly free and usually overlooked. Natural therapies can help keep your body healthy on a cellular level.

The Framework

Think of life in the ocean or an aquarium. Our bodies are just bags of “seawater” full of aquatic cells. The water matrix must be well oxygenated to support fish and cells alike. Oxygen delivery depends on a well charged “inner ocean,” and generating that charge depends on oxygen delivery. Real simple. Call me Capt. Obvious.

The universe is a rainbow manifestation born of a singular primal energy that divided itself into a duality of opposites: protons/electrons, acids/alkalies, north pole/south pole, yin/yang, here/there and the boy/girl thing we all deal with daily. They animate our world… to prevent boredom I suppose. Viva la difference! Likes repel each other while opposites desire union in a redox dance, the incessant exchange of electrons, the movement of energy, the spark of life.

We can measure this “sexual” tension as body voltage, oxidation-reduction potential (ORP) or pH. Bottom line, it is energy that drives all life processes. The major determiner of bio-energy is O2 delivery to cytoplasm and mitochondria where it generates metabolic ATPs (ATP is the carrier molecule that transfers electrons/energy resulting from cell respiration) …and then sponges-up acidic protons to conserve those electrons, that energy.
If you work from this foundational premise, the puzzle of health and healing unravels nicely. Then the only question is how to correct basic conditions… to move more oxygen… to maximize energy levels and minimize losses… to prevent or heal disease. The charge environment that comes of efficient energy production invites more oxygen to produce more energy, so la la la the life goes on.

The Way It Used to Be

While scientific studies focus on individual diseases, generalized diets and therapeutic elements like drugs or even natural supplements, they ignored the overall context of life and its basic requirements. All chronic disease really arises from a singular root cause; acidity>hypoxia>energy shortage>enzyme error>cell failure… aka inflammation and oxidative stress. This includes all the “diseases” conventionally identified through downstream symptoms and secondary etiologies. Heart disease, arthritis, depression, infection, cancer, etc. are then conventionally “diagnosed” and treated individually like some evil entity apart from the low energy environment that created them.

The Way It Will Be

The Forbidden approach works on correcting energy levels/body charge at the most basic level to establish conditions necessary for optimal oxygen delivery and energy production so normal biochemistry can proceed. Cells are perfectly capable of both maintaining and restoring function and mounting immune responses when given enough energy. This presents a problem for highly trained doctors and the medical industry who depend on selling thousands of drugs, diagnostics and procedures for hundreds of “different” diseases…after failing miserably at preventing them.


Mitochondria mine solar-energized electrons from carbon bonds (in food) and the conversion to ATP largely fuels our biochemistry and maintains body charge (-40 to -50mv/pH 7.35-7.45). A strong body charge protects cell molecules from being destroyed by acids, oxidants, radiations, free radicals: inflammation/oxidation. Inflammatory immune response, on the other hand, though powered the same way, produces powerfully oxidizing hydrogen peroxide and singlet oxygen (ROS) that destroy pathogens and unwanted cell debris. Life swings in the balance.
Oxygen is a switch hitter depending on its atomic states and so can act as a metabolic oxidizer, a more powerful immune oxidizer in singlet radical configuration, or as an “antioxidant” as it turns acidic protons to water when it mops-up after the process of respiration. Oxygen recharges pH buffers and conserves electrons.

So big picture, this means that over-fueled/under-oxygenated cells will become acidic and further repel and deplete oxygen. If unable to get enough oxygen to neutralize metabolic acids, charge terrain will degrade, electrons will be stolen from DNA and structural molecules, energy production will be frustrated and then cells become dysfunctional, diseased, susceptible to pathogens, decompose or become anaerobic and cancerous.

This view of health and healing hides in plain sight in high school biology/chemistry texts, but has become forbidden knowledge camouflaged in medical industry fear-peddling, intentional disinformation and by discrediting the competition.

So how do we nudge the redox (oxidation/reduction) balance to create the correct conditions and move more O2?

Skill-set Index

Master these simple skills and practices used by some of the most successful alternative physicians and natural health experts. They are inexpensive and can be done at home, in the garden and in the kitchen…if one studies and applies.


Slow deep breathing allows CO2 to build which improves oxygen release by RBCs. Hyperventillation/rapid breathing delivers lots of oxygen and blows off CO2 alkalizing the blood (and normally doesn’t induce fainting).
Breathing exercises use both extremes and many in between. It’s free so why not explore and experiment?

Skin, hookah and scuba diving offer unseen benefits.

HBOT and other enhanced oxygen applications have been found to help overcome almost every ailment from concussions to sports injuries including conventional hospital treatments for gangrene, but are sorely, and negligently underutilized.
Breathing air under pressure saturates blood plasma with O2 above and beyond RBC’s capacity….pure oxygen under pressure delivers even more. HBOT use is quite common elsewhere in the world.

The use of promising high pressure therapies in the U.S. was sabotaged by the medical establishment and has gone the way of Linus Pauling, Vitamin C and Chiropractic.

“Orval J Cunningham, a professor of anaesthesia at the University of Kansas in the early 1900s observed that people suffering from circulatory disorders did better at sea level than at altitude and this formed the basis for his use of hyperbaric air. In 1918 he successfully treated patients suffering from the Spanish flu with hyperbaric air. In 1930 the American Medical Association forced him to stop such hyperbaric treatment, since he did not provide acceptable evidence that the treatments were effective.” (Wikipedia entry; HBOT)

*”I often marvel at the immense size of whales and how they carry sea level air to great depths with 10s of atmospheres of pressure. This jams their blood plasma and cells with high levels of O2 and can only account for their tremendous bulk. I also wonder what special chemistries allow terrestrial elephants to attain such proportions? Recall the age of dinosaurs with 35%+ atmospheric oxygen… when living large really meant something.”*

Contact with Mother Earth passes her negative charge into the body. Perfect. Try going barefoot and swimming at every opportunity. Grounded bed sheets and many other helpful applications are available.

Photons raise electron energy levels wherever they strike as well as power photosynthesis in plants and Vitamin D synthesis in humans. Dr. Gerald Pollack has shown that light, radiant heat and acoustic energy structure our 99% water, alkalize it and enhance charge potentials that give living organisms stronger “batteries.”
Fresh research (links: chlorophyll/humans-photosynthesize) concludes that we utilize solar photon energy directly.

Modern processed foods are literally predigested with complex fat, protein and carbohydrate molecules being oxidized, altered or broken down into too-easily absorbed units. This circumvents normal digestion, ruins bacterial balance in the gut and causes leakage. The flood of fuel into cells then overtakes oxygen availability resulting in a drop in pH, voltage and biochemical function, not to mention it is fattening and creates glycations and autoimmune problems.

Grass fed and unprocessed organic ingredients contain the most “life force” or in actuality way more photon energized electrons. A nutrient-dense real food diet satisfies appetite in smaller amounts than deficient factory foods ever can.
Balance acid-forming and alkalizing foods, cook gently sticking with low glycemic choices and those rich in balanced omega/saturated fats, diverse proteins, fiber, vitamins, minerals and antioxidant polyphenols.

Membrane Musts

One must build an oxygen expressway into cells and so must consider the quality of red blood cells, electrolytes and charge of blood… up to and through membranes which must be constructed of the proper saturated and omega fats, not trans or other damaged oxidized polyunsaturates.
Membranes must present a charge gradient to transport oxygen and materials and that depends on adjacent H2O/H3O2 structure, viscosity, electrolytes and the conductivity of pristine fat molecules as well as vigilant protection of those fat molecules from oxidation by maintaining well charged fluids.


Vitamin C is more than a vitamin though it performs dozens of essential functions; it’s a bulk electron source!!!
Baking soda or sodium bicarbonate, a giant medicine in its own right, is an alkalizing source of pH buffering bicarbonate which releases beneficial CO2 and swings between bicarbonate and carbonic acid with every breath and is also active in the kidneys.
When ascorbic acid (pure Vitamin C) is mixed with baking soda, ascorbic acid is neutralized and becomes sodium ascorbate to flood the system with electrons.
Large serum spikes in ascorbate levels also generate oxidizing hydrogen peroxide in a Fenton Reaction which yields singlet oxygen, the selfsame oxidant naturally produced in an inflammatory immune response.
Orally or via IV, Vitamin C should be considered a core element of any protocol.

Magnesium and potassium are essential electrolytes (most have good levels of calcium and sodium) that form charge gradients and also buffer pH. Magnesium is found in red blood cells where it helps carry oxygen and relaxes the heart muscle for more efficient pumping which is key to oxygenating the system. Rebuilding magnesium reserves takes time and concerted effort.
Cysteine and glutathione are electron rich pH buffers increased via NAC and MSM sulfur. Taurine is another acid fighter.
Niacin and nicotinic acid compounds NAD+/NADH are essential electron-proton ping-pong players that soak up excess protons and deliver electrons in metabolic energy production. Niacinamide has recently been found to prevent some skin cancers.
Official medicine dismissed many of these cheap therapies with extreme prejudice. I have only listed a few, but you get the idea and point of view of oxygen and electrons and the primary importance of body charge.

All vitamins and minerals are important, but conventional intake numbers are bogus, many times too little too late. The whole idea of minimum nutrient requirements bows to the high priests of pharma and the czars of industrial food. Confusion rules the subject, so we must quantify our own needs based on nutrient contents of our particular diet, hair analysis, levels of inflammation and any apparent symptoms.
Megadosing of Vitamins C, B3 (niacin) and B12 is common in alternative literature and even short term loading of Vitamin A, D and E have been reported.

Synergistic benefits accrue when combinations are used like adding Vitamin E, K2, NAC, and RALA to Vitamin C megadose along with minerals since their charges and effectiveness are maintained through Vitamin C’s electron benevolence. This is quantitative chemistry where quantity counts and excess quantity pushes equilibria…a good thing.
GMI has frequent articles reminding us of valuable nutrient sources to bring to the kitchen to enhance one’s intake of phytos, healthy fats and protein sources. Polyphenol-rich items like turmeric, citrus flavonoids and green tea enable oxygen delivery by knocking off damaging hydroxyl radicals that would otherwise oxidize membrane fats and cell structures.

In a perfect world with a higher oxygen content and pure foods in magnificent variety, one could be free of health worries and supplements. Unfortunately man in his infinite ignorance has created an artificial food supply, burned forests and fossil fuels and spilled his chemistry set to the extent he has acidified, contaminated and inflicted oxidative stress and mass extinctions upon the entire planet.


Stress is an acidic out-of-control emotion commonly described as fear, shame, guilt and anxiety which excites the sympathetic nervous system and dumps cortisol. Improving body charge helps the mind-bulb glow brighter as do love, gratitude and the attitude of sharing. Beware of the mass media anxiety machine.

Lifestyle Activity
Exercise accelerates circulation, oxygenation and the removal of wastes like maintaining the aquarium or the ebb and flow of the tides that prevent stagnation. It keeps the heart in shape and the mind calm.
Quality sleep releases melatonin, a powerful antioxidant, and relaxes all energy gobbling tension. Sleep apnea deprives the body of oxygen when it needs it most for restorative processes. The symptoms are exaggerated examples of O2 deprivation with (often misdiagnosed and mistreated) circulatory distress and edema that magically disappear when normal breathing and deep sleep are restored.


These are charge killers, avoid and detox. Hair analysis identifies metal loads such as mercury, cadmium, arsenic and aluminum which source free radical oxidants, encourage infections and result in chronic inflammation. Many people are surprised by their accumulations and mineral deficiencies. I’ve used Eidon/Biotrend Labs with satisfaction and there are others. It is only a matter of mailing a hair sample with a check and waiting for results so you really know where you stand. Then try to account for ingested metal sources and mineral levels.


There are a number of electronic, magnetic, laser and acoustic devices that have shown effectiveness in conditions across the board: electric brain stimulators and acupuncture techniques, various magnetic wraps, pulsed laser therapy for joints, frequency generators to raise vibrations and sound machines that heal stubborn ulcerations. Each supplies or modulates different forms of energy.


Aging is not much fun if you suffer with chronic disease(s) and pain. It is sad to see so many spend their later years (along with their life’s savings) at the doctor and drug store. To avoid this fate you must attend to the maintenance of your own body. Give your cells the same conditions you would supply a goldfish; clean well oxygenated pH balanced properly-charged fluids so they will have plenty of energy to function at healthy levels.

Forbidden Protocol

A common sense approach based on solid science provides an organizational framework and skill-guide to correct body chemistry via thousands of well known healthy practices and natural therapies

Goals: Antioxidize/add electrons, alkalize, oxidize pathogens, correct nutrient/vitamin/mineral levels, detox metals and organic toxins, get sunshine, breathe and exercise, quiet the mind, allow time for results, have a purpose and enjoy life…
What with man’s propensity to burn things and use our oceans as an open sewer, it always seemed implausible for geo-science to conclude that global oxygen levels are “remarkably stable.”
New analyses of atmospheric O2 disagree with this conventional view and point to industrial practices that deplete oxygen even faster than they raise CO2 concentrations.
Interestingly the study states; “In humans, failure of oxygen energy metabolism is the single most important risk factor for chronic diseases including cancer and death.”